A review by labourgeois
Transitions: Making Sense of Life's Changes by William Bridges


A dear friend sent me this book as I made my latest transition with a move across the country and into a new career. I received it with not much hope, but opened it anyway.

When I first moved, I fought against the sadness and the stagnation. Why was I sad when I was moving to such opportunity? What kept me from embracing my new life with gusto?
After reading Transitions, I realized that I was trying to ignore the natural order of things. I had to let the old life end and live in a neutral zone until the next beginning appeared.

I don't know that I am complete with my own transition yet, but I recommend this book to anyone experiencing a transition of their own. Seeing the words on the page describing exactly what I was experiencing helped me to accept my place in my transition and find the patience to endure.

I do feel like my new beginning is taking place. I'm certainly ready for it.