A review by readingwitherin
The End Run by Christy Hayes


 Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an e-arc in exchange for my honest review. 

This one builds off of the first book, but is far superior. 
We see the story play out from both Jenna and Zach's point of view which is a good thing. We see what makes each of them who they are and how they got to the point they are at now. But we also see how well they can work with someone else who see's them as a flawed persons, but also is on their side and truly does care of the real them and not just the media image. 

Overall I did find myself enjoying this one far more than I did the first one. The characters were more likable and the backstories were more solid. This one was just better in my opinion. Jenna and Zach are two characters that work really well together and call each other out when needed. They really do make a good team, and besides that, they see each other as people and not some idolized or image that needs to be kept in a glass box. Jenna was my favorite character her story was one that was so so good, and then when Zach ended up being a part of it as well it made her start to see things a little differently. 
For Zach, he finally started to realize things and figure out what he really wanted and what really mattered in life. It was more than just football even though that is what he loves to do we really see him be more than just a jock in this one.