A review by jordannedunn
Manga Classics Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, Crystal Chan


I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

4 stars

So this is the fourth Manga Classic I've read and needless to say I'm officially a fan. My method with this series is to review the adaption more than the story because really you can't review it as a story since its based off another book (that I've likely read and therefore reviewed).

Since I have not actually read Romeo and Juliet I can't exactly do that but I happen to know this book is taken word for word from the OG so I don't actually think it matters and - unpopular opinion coming your way - I genuinely think this could be a good alternative to reading the original. HEAR ME OUT.

Shakespeare never intended his plays to actually be read, he intended them to be seen and experienced. Reading Shakespeare is hard and sometimes dull for leisure purposes. I mean sure, you can get the gist of the language after some practice but I found this method of enjoying it so much better. I have read a few of the Bard's plays and I honestly don't find them even remotely fun to do so. I love watching the plays, every actor interprets and presents the character differently and it's so good to watch and the acting and context makes understanding second nature. But, plays don't come along that often, least of all really good ones, and manga is a perfect graphic substitute because the style is so expressive and hyperbolic - like good actors in a Shakespeare play should be.

really enjoyed this book, the art was beautiful. I mean, stunning really. Of course, I knew what was coming the whole time because it's Romeo and Juliet but still loved it all the same. The only nitpick I'd have is maybe more clearly labeling characters as it can be tricky to keep track of them all.

If you enjoy Shakespeare anyway or want to get into it but are hesitant because of the language - read this, it's great.