A review by travelingkayte
Girl Land by Caitlin Flanagan


An interesting look at the culture surrounding the transition between girlhood and womanhood. I found the chapter on menstruation most interesting due to me work with feminine hygiene in the developing world. This physical change in a girls life is truly a turning point. In most of the world this is the point at which a girl is viewed as a women regardless of her mental or emotional state. With the view that she is now a woman the protection, what little offered to most girls, is discarded with little or no fan fare leaving her adrift in the world of female expectations. In the future this will be a chapter I ask all my colleagues to read before going forward to address the issue.

I found the Epilogue with suggestions for how to address this transitions in the current and future generations commendable. Looking about on my own up bringing I can only thank my parents for their 'protectiveness'.