A review by tisreece
Deceived by Paul S. Kemp


I am somewhat surprised by the amount of negative feedback this book has gotten. I find the book so well written that, if the author had decided not to tell the reader which character they were focusing on, you could tell by the way certain things were described who was thinking it.
The only negative is that the whole book seemed somewhat redundant with very little in the grand scheme of things changing from after the sacking of Courascant to the end of the book. The only thing achieved really, was a happy ending for all characters, even Malgus in his own twisted way. Which in itself was somewhat unexpected, as happy endings for all, tend to be quite rare among Star Wars novels.

Overall a very good book, and a serves as a nice side-story that couples as a timeline during the sacking of Courascant which I would recommend anyone to read if they are interested in playing, or have played, the Old Republic game.