A review by alyxandriaang
The Mine by John A. Heldt



The action was immediate in this book! I feel like people haven't been paying enough attention to these lesser known authors. I'm glad that I read this book right after reading Time's Edge by Rysa Walker. It really got me thinking about the way these historical fiction writers write about time traveling. Although I like the plot of Time's Edge far more than The Mine, I can't help but conclude that John A. Heldt did a better job in executing the aspect of time travel.

The book starts off with Joel and his friend Adam eating at a local bar/restaurant. They take a drive but then stop at this Gold Mine, that's been abandoned for quite a while and mysterious things have been happening. Even with Adam's warnings, Joel decides to take a look for himself. It's not until he sees a snake, falls into some sort of portal, and wakes up in another time period does he begin to realize that this was all probably a bad idea and that he probably should have listened to Adam. From there, we are following Joel as he finds a way to get back to the year 2000!

The chapters in this book are very short. The story is light-weight and fast paced, one of the main reasons I liked the book. It was fairly easy to get into right away! Joel, the main character, was a witty and humorous protagonist. There was not a single dry moment when Joel was speaking! He was described in the book as a very handsome and just brooding man.

The conflict was probably my favorite aspect of the book. As Joel is stuck in the year 1941 he is granted a lot of opportunities that kind of sway his decision to stay rather than going back to the year 2000. He met Tom, who was kind of like a best friend and Grace, who took his breath away. I enjoyed how the author simply drove the plot from beginning to end without the cramming of too much historical information. After all this is a historical fiction book.

The Mine is a tale of forbidden romance infused with a historical time-traveling backdrop. I couldn't have enjoyed this book more than I do! Now when I say historical, I don't mean the confusing historical fictions that just state historical facts. This book had the perfect balance of story and facts, which made it all the more interesting. There was a slight amount of background information leading up to the events that really cleared some of the foggy parts up. Let's just say this book brought me to tears. The beauty. The story. I could not have asked for a better book from a review request!