A review by styxis
I fell in love with hope by Lancali


Destruction is addictive, he writes. The more I am, the less I want to be. The less I am, the lesser I want to become.

Death is sudden. It has no taste for irony or reason. It doesn't wait for another tick of the metronome. It doesn't wait for goodbyes. Death is a taker, plain, direct, no tricks up its sleeve. And it will give you nothing in return but a last endless kiss for those you leave behind.

This entire book read like a 400-page tragic poem. I'm genuinely saddened to admit that it threw me into a bit of a reading slump, despite its beautiful writing and deeply soulful characters. Each one of them felt like they deserved a long, comforting hug.

I especially enjoyed the narrative thing going on (if you've read it, you'll know exactly what I mean), but unfortunately the book lacked a plot which made it quite strenuous to read. And towards the end, !!SPOILER!!
Spoilerthe author seemed to rush through killing off her characters,
which felt unrealistic and forced.