A review by geo_ix
Come Away with Me by Kristen Proby


This has been sitting on my shelf for ages (four years this month) and I picked it as one of my challenge reads this month because I needed a book set in Seattle and it worked for a few other challenges too that I couldn’t really find any books for, so when I started to dislike it (pretty early on) I didn’t really have any option to DNF, and under the hope that the main characters would grow a little, I continued.

I regret. Honestly, this is my least favourite book so far this year. The characters were like moody teenagers. There were plot points that made me roll my eyes at how dramatic they were, and the relationship was toxic. I’m still baffled at all the 4-5 star reviews from my GR friends and the people I follow. Usually they’re all the ones I see picking these types of characters apart and really disliking them.

The hero wasn’t a broody hero. He wasn’t slightly possessive and jealous in a this is hot way. He constantly glared at her. He raised his voice constantly, then stormed off and slammed doors. He would be described as ‘frustrated’ and ‘angry’ when she was around other men. I don’t usually care if people swear in books as I swear a lot, but the way he swore and in the context made him seem so aggressive the majority of the time.

At first I didn’t mind her, then it got to a part where she too acted like a petulant child. She even thought she was acting dumb then thought ‘but I don’t care’ on a few occasions. She got a guy arrested for ‘creeping her out’ and then assaulted him while he was being cuffed because she ‘wasn’t a victim’. This scene was the DUMBEST in the book. He harped on about pressing charges (on a man who never actually touched her, you cannot prove intention lol) on a man he smashed in the nose. It was just dumb. Dumb, dumb, dumb.

They literally MEET in an aggressive way. And people saw it as cute. If some guy randomly grabbed you aggressively on the street and said hand over your camera and was glaring at you and yelling, you’d probably punch him in the face. Not go through your pictures and show him what you took. And you wouldn’t agree to go on a date with him only HOURS later when you see him again.

And you WOULDNT, on the second day of knowing him, agree to date him when you’ve actively never dated anyone in your life. Or tell him about how you were raped and you’ve only told your friend and parents when they were alive. She legit gave her whole life story that she never told anyone. Told him stuff she never told her best friend. In under 48 hours. Then her friend sees him and tells her he’s famous and what happens? She has a hissy fit saying he’s a liar and should have told her ‘yesterday’............ what world are these people in. From this point I knew I was on the drama train, and I’d have to suck it up and continue. It got worse, my mind now feels like mush, and I know I’ll never read this author again because it’s just not for me.

I’d also like to say this book has a LOT of sex. It felt like there was at least one or more round/s of sex per chapter if it was averaged out. It made it all blur together and got really tedious to read if I’m honest.