A review by alongreader
You & Me at the End of the World by Brianna Bourne


Mixed review. I liked the idea of this, and the main part of it, while they're going around looking for answers. I just found the actual answers didn't live up. But that's so often the way of things.

I liked the characters. I liked watching them become who they really were and not who the people around them thought they were - and there's a great scene between Hannah and her mother that was wonderful, if painful, for all involved. I always enjoy seeing people realise what they really are inside.

The descriptions and scene setting are amazing, too. I've never been to Houston, but I could imagine it easily, the emptiness and eerieness. (also the music festival sounds awesome.) I'd have read a book twice as long about them wandering around the empty city, looking at things.

I don't understand how they were able to see things together that neither of them knew about in real life. What was shaping their shared world?

Overall, I enoyed this and I'm glad I read it, but I wish things had made a little more sense at the end.