A review by lacyduckie
A Whisper in the Dark by K.J. Sutton, Jessi Elliott


Noooo... What? That was too short! Give me more!!!


Listen, before I even review A Whisper In The Dark, I've got to once again thank Kelsey (K.J. Sutton) for reaching out to me not so long ago to offer one of her books to me for review because I now have to devour any and everything she writes. And that's not even counting her YA books I still need to check out. Her writing is seriously addicting.

Now back to your erratically unscheduled programming.

Drew nudges me with his elbow and I look at him. “It’s going to be fine, Charlie. Remember, you’re a badass vampire!”

So I was *vaguely gestures* around for the Twilight craze. I remember it all maybe a little too vividly, tbh. But I wasn't really into vampires or fan culture at the time so I didn't get to enjoy it. You can bet I'm jumping on the bandwagon and enjoying every minute of the vampire craze this time around. With favorite shows like The Vampire Diaries and Legacies and now amazing books like [b:Crave|45892228|Crave (Crave, #1)|Tracy Wolff|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1578850525l/45892228._SX50_.jpg|70730127] and currently, A Whisper In The Dark, I'm living for it.

In A Whisper In The Dark, the first story arc and novella, we meet Charlie, the vampire princess formally known as Charlotte. Charlie is on the verge of her Awakening, which is when vampires mature into adults resulting in their eyes changing colors. Charlie's father is the highly feared Vampire King who decided to split society up by factions depending on a vampire's adult eye color in an attempt to create a utopian society. (Think along the lines of [b:Divergent|8306857|Divergent (Divergent, #1)|Veronica Roth|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1327873996l/8306857._SY75_.jpg|13155899]) Anyone who has ever read a Dystopian knows about how well that works but I won't spoil anything for you as I still think it's a fresh perspective on that and vampires in general.
Charlie finds herself in an unexpected place and is lost and confused. There's so many different paths her story can go and I'm eagerly awaiting the continuation.

Thank you to K.J. Sutton and Jessi Elliott for the early review copy!