A review by magencorrie
Opposition by Jennifer L. Armentrout


5 billion wonderful stars!

My Review:

I can't really believe that this is the last book in the Lux Series. And of course I don't want it to be. But it really was the perfect ending to this wonderful series. Katy and Daemon got the ending they so deserve. I can’t think of a better conclusion for this wonderful series, either. Jennifer wrapped everything up so, so nicely and I feel that Katy and Daemon, along with the rest of the characters, got a wonderful and well deserved ending. I have absolutely no complaints or think the book couldn't have been better, because it was magnificent!

Katy and Daemon have grown so much since their first encounter, at Daemon’s front door. Both really have been tested in so many ways, but they faced those challenges head on. And I loved that they have never backed down. Katy found such a powerful inner strength and Daemon found a love like no other. Both have grown together and have had amazing inner growth as well. I adore them each so much! They really have become one of my absolute favorite characters and couple, not only because of their deep love, but because of their character growth and inner strength.

The love between Daemon and Katy is just so powerful and I really think that Jennifer made that come through remarkably well. I love that they always stood together no matter what, no matter the obstacles. I just find them perfect, so perfect for each other, and I know I will always love them.

I also have to mention Dee, Dawson, and Beth, along with the other characters – that includes Hunter and Serena! Yes, they made quite a few appearances in Opposition and I just loved that! I felt they too got the ending they deserved. I can’t mention a lot about what Dee went through in the book, but I can say I am very satisfied with her growth and how she was at the end of the book as well. Jennifer created an amazing cast of characters, each one unique and quite interesting.

The book progressed at such a good pace and the ending felt very well-rounded. Each character had such good dynamic, and their growth was really noticeable. The storyline was deep and very original. Jennifer did a brilliant job at making aliens sexy and so very interesting. She created an intricate world filled with such diversity.

Opposition was action-packed, brimming with intense moments that had me on the edge of my seat. It had gripping moments I couldn't believe were happening and moments that just broke my heart. There were also moments that filled me with bubbly happiness and glee. This was a wonderful, wonderful conclusion to a series that will forever be close to my heart.

I know I will always love this series, always love Katy and Daemon, and I know I will be re-reading their story multiple times. Over and over. And each time, I know, I will fall even more in love with them, their story, and their love. I highly encourage other to at least give this series a try!