A review by shom
Devlok with Devdutt Pattanaik by Devdutt Pattanaik


Having read the previous books of the author, this one seems like a summary of the previous book Myth=Mythya in a Q&A format.
The show form which, the book buys its writings was much more appealing due to its visual contents. The missing of usual Devdutt drawings are also missing in this book.
But, if you are a beginner in respect of Hindu mythology and want to know its bits and part and pieces that comprises to form the full part, then this book is for you. This book is also for the audiences of the show, who wants to have that knowledge contained with them. Its a summary in its core, but with the evergreen lucid flow of the writer who pens it with a contemporary view, so that you can lend your eyes and do darshan from more than one perspective.
The explanation are simple. The content engaging and relating to each another. The book is also divided into particular chapters, as per the episodes which have added to its plus-points. You can start at any point and have the hang of reading it.

A note to Devdutt fans who have read his earlier works : You can avoid this one, if you want anything new. Otherwise, you can collect it if you want to have the collection of author's works. This would be a recommendation for a handbook of Hindu religion and mythology, like that of Myth=Mythya.

A good read indeed.