A review by kiwi_fruit
Absolution By Murder by Peter Tremayne


A good mystery set in 7th century Northumbria (during the synod of Whitby), but it comes with an info dumping warning. This book is the first in a series so I understand the author's need to set the scene and to present his characters but still the amount of background information offered to the reader was excessive and non essential to the mystery itself.
I felt that the attitudes and actions of the characters were too modern for the times
Spoiler(I really dislike modern slang in period novels, what kind of medieval king would utter the words “what the ...”? in a synod of all places!)

I found Sister Fidelma too cool and not particularly likable, moreover the author was a bit too heavy handed when it comes to describing the many virtues of the progressive Irish vs. the barbarian Britons or even the Romans. On the other hand, this novel is only the start of a very popular series, I might try another book in the hope that the best is yet to come. 2.5 stars