A review by bookreviewswithkb
Bone Black: Memories of Girlhood by bell hooks

challenging emotional reflective


what a poetic masterpiece 🤯
absolutely blown away. i loved this SO much. i think i underlined every single sentence. do yourself a favor and read it! 

this memoir provides such understanding into why hooks was drawn to examine the social constructs she did, giving us snippets of her childhood and the experiences that shaped her; exposes us to how hooks herself developed an awareness around identity, class, femaleness, Blackness, sexuality

i was first introduced to bell hooks in undergrad by one of my favorite professors who taught me so much about the world. part of how she taught me was through the works of hooks, who absolutely blew my mind. i didn’t know women were allowed to be this courageous, this loud, this confident, this bold. the readings put words to concepts and ideas i always felt, but didn’t know how to express. i continue to be awed by her