A review by dajoyofit
Sins of the Demon: Demon Novels, Book Four by Diana Rowland


I really liked this one. It was packed with juicy revelations. This book in the series is filled with information, which I enjoyed and didn't feel overwhelmed by. Kara's world is definitely precarious. Kara's hesitation over her feelings about Ryan, her relationship with her demon lord, her aunt, and I didn't see it coming, but the stirrings of Kara questioning her job, and the possible origins of Summoners. There's a lot of Big Secrets. I feel Kara's frustration. Her reasons for questioning her feelings for Ryan are much more valid after she discovers who Ryan really is (besides being an Oath Breaker). Without giving too much away, who really is Ryan? Or rather how much of the Ryan who Kara is falling for, is the "Real Ryan" verses "The Being who was the Oath Breaker"? That's a hard one.