A review by d3n1z
Atheists Who Kneel and Pray by Tarryn Fisher


3.5 stars
This book started off slow for me. I much preferred the last third or half of the book. Yara has issues, obviously, but I somewhat felt like the source of her issues was unnecessary if that makes any sense. I say that, but I'm sure if the source of her issues was never mentioned I would probably be here saying why wasnt the source ever explained.

Unfortunately I wasn't invested in these character so thats why this wasn't a LOVE, but it's definitely a good book. The two main characters reminded me of another book, not the plot just the characters. So I was having a hard time picturing the story in my head. I can relate to the pushing someone away or good things away because you dont think you deserve them or you think you'll ruin things and I think thats something a lot of people can relate to.

I think this is a solid read.