A review by nicolet2018
Bloodstream by Luca Veste


I was intrigued by the storyline of a killer forcing couples to reveal secrets they have kept from each other and the focus on today's media. Despite the exciting storyline I found the pace very slow and boring. But perhaps the long processes in solving crime and delays is a realistic representation of the Police in UK. There were many parts where I felt the author could have elaborated and fleshed out more but for some reason just cut it off. I felt cheated and it felt like a cop out. It was interesting to see how secrets can destroy a relationship and doubt is a fierce thing. Good that Murphy and Sarah were mich stronger. They have quite an interesting relationship because it was do complicated.

The final reveal left much to be desired and even though I lile how the author painted a picture of how media jas evolved to whst is it today - social media and how it affects how murders and crime is covered and accepted by the masses. I also liked how it revealed that fame is not all it is cracked up to be and the spotlight can be a lonely place.