A review by beedew
The Power by L.J. Smith


At last, I'm done with the series. Despite my annoyances, I did find myself staying up far too late to finish up this trilogy. Not a very realistic one, but a fluff one that made me happy. I needed a bit of fluff, even if it was a bit macabre and unrealistic.

I've decided to take a break from the YA fiction for a while and get back to reading books geared toward my age (whatever that means). Hopefully, it means you'll hear less whining from me about the shortcomings of published writers. Yeah, I know, I'm probably just jealous. Seriously though, doesn't it get your goat when you read stories or books that you could have done a better job writing? Not in an arrogant way, but just in a, wow, I really could have written this better, way.
