A review by frogy927
Sing for the Coming of the Longest Night by Iona Datt Sharma, Katherine Fabian


I liked this and yet, there was something just not quite right for me. I picked it up after it was rec'd on the Be the Serpent podcast. On that same episode they were talking about classifying things by the portal world axises from Seanan McGuire's Every Heart a Doorway (which I loved), and I wish that was as common as the sorting hat, because honestly I think this book was too nonsense for me. It was the same problem I had with Space Opera by Catherynne Valente where I could recognize that it was good, but nothing made enough sense for me to really enjoy it. I like my magic/magical worlds to be like Fillroy from The Magician's where there is no such thing as too many rules or too much logic.