A review by xoxotawnydee
The Husband School by Kristine Rolofson


I thoroughly enjoyed this book. As a rule, cowboys are always a plus in a book. When you add in the fact that the main couple was one of those couples that has a misunderstanding that tears them apart only to be brought back together years later and I was crazy about it. I didn't even want to put it down to make dinner.

Meg was a great character. Considered head-strong and hard-hearted by everyone in town it wasn't surprising to learn that she'd had her heart broken before. And in such a small town it's hard to outlive the gossip that would create. I was surprised that more people didn't seem to know that she'd been involved with Owen when they were younger, even if the majority of people didn't know how involved they were. But it seemed like most of the people she was friends with hadn't lived in town at that point.

Owen was a bit of a pain in the butt despite the fact that I came to love him. He grew up privledged and not used to being told "no" which can be a bit of a problem when someone finally grows up. But it was nice to see him actually mature during the story. To realize that in his mid-thirties he's not going to always get his way. You can't just snap your fingers and expect everyone to stop everything they're doing to do your bidding. You have to fight for what you want.

And come the end of the story he did just that.

And I was extremely glad that the side characters weren't just background characters. I thought the author did an excellent job transferring points of view so that while Meg and Owen were the two main characters, the entire story wasn't told from just their points of view. The story wouldn't have been as awesome as it was if it wasn't written in just that way. So kudos to Kristine Rolofson. Kudos.