A review by spookieboogie
Pros & Cons of Desire by A.E. Wasp


2.5 stars

More ridiculous than the last, but that’s just fine with me. I’m beyond taken with this enjoyable series and its cast of characters. Despite that, this particular installment was just *okay*.

I’ve been looking forward to book 4 since the end of book 1 because Carson is my favorite of the bunch, and surely that's partially to blame for why Pros & Cons of Desire did not strictly spark joy. It was missing something as well, though. There's a bit of buildup in the customary Al perspective in the beginning of the book that is more or less an exaggeration. Ridge and Davis, the perspectives and main characters for Desire, have been foreshadowed since book one, if that's what you can call it when you already knew about a character before you even met them due to The Players' breakdown at the beginning of each book. No changes to that just yet, but we get to see that flushed out a little more. The overall plot and twist (is it a twist when you see it coming from a mile away? It's more like a twist for the characters than the reader) was easy to see coming. Other plot points become pretty obvious soon before they happen, so nothing here was novel or surprising.

In my opinion this installment was just a little bump to jump through so I could hurry up and get to Carson's book. A forgettable bit with very little Carson engagement, much to my dismay.