A review by malkarivka
We Ate Wonder Bread: A Memoir of Growing Up on the West Side of Chicago by Nicole Hollander


It was....okay. Not my favorite. I liked some of the stories. I haven't ever read/heard of Nicole Hollander before, which probably contributed to my lack of enjoyment. The art style was also so wild and childlike, and because, as I've said, I haven't read/heard of Nicole Hollander before reading this book, I wasn't sure if that was her normal style of drawing or if it was purposefully childlike because it was a memoir about growing up. If it's her normal style of drawing...eh, not for me. I also got confused with the placement of pictures and reading the graphics (some of which were a little illegible) and lost how some of them were connected. I read this book for the Jewish Women's Archive bookclub, and I'm glad the book club is making me pick up books I generally wouldn't on my own.