A review by fatimareadsbooks
Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers


“This is what I want to be. An instrument of mercy, not vengeance.”

I felt like this book could've been something more. The main character is an assassin, yet I don't see much of any assassinations. I needed more badassery; this book was basically sprinkles of action throughout long stretches of boredom. The only action-filled scenes were at the beginning of the story and they were awesome, so I didn't expect this path that the book took a turn to.

The historical aspect of this book kind of bored me - I don't normally read historical fiction - but I felt like it could've been weaved into the story more artfully. The romance was bland and predictable. When I read this book's synopsis, my expectations soared; and by the way everyone was singing the book's praises, I expected it to be something more. However, I was sorely disappointed. This book had so much potential, which is such a shame.

Nevertheless, I'll still be reading the sequels - but with lowered expectations. In between the stretches of boredom, there were many parts of this book that just made you want to keep reading. The writing was pretty good and the similes and metaphors the author uses were incredible. So, to conclude this review, I will add some quotes that particularly impressed me from the book.

“Behind me, the door opens and Louyse bustles in. “My lady! Come away from there before you catch your death!”

Her words bring a smile to my lips. Does she think Death is some small bird with my name written on it, beating at the window in the hope that I will catch it?”

“For while I am Death’s daughter and walk in His dark shadow, surely the darkness can give way to light sometimes.”