A review by paradoxically
Glimmerglass by Jenna Black


I spent a great deal of time being irritated by this book and the main character. I did like the premise (I'm always up for stories about the fae), but Dana made me want to throw things. Half the time she seems to be blushing over Ethan, who, quite frankly, was really suspicious from the get go and whoever else she thinks is cute or hot, and the other half of the time is a lot of 'woe is me' and 'I just want people to be honest, but not as brutally honest as my dad'. Her naivety grates, and her inability to do anything was irritating. Admittedly she tries--she starts taking self defense lessons from Keane and she has her resolve to train herself in other things in the end. Maybe in the next book things get better.

There were a few things that saved the book from being a total wash. Like I said, I liked the premise and the world sounded interesting, even if it wasn't as in depth as I may have liked. I was rather intrigued by several of the side characters, some of whom I actually liked (Keane, Finn, Dana's dad [I feel like the man is trying. He's not perfect, but he's still trying. Heck, he didn't even know he had a daughter until she called him up:]). I do wonder about Lachlan, who doesn't seem half bad.

There is a chance that I'll read the next book out. Maybe Dana grows some more. And maybe we'll see more interaction between the characters that has less of Dana blushing and her heart thumping and more actual content.