A review by megsbookishtwins
The Devil in the Corner by Patricia Elliott


I received a copy free from the publisher via NetGalley

“But how can the devil be stopped when he lives inside you?”

After the death of her father, Maud is left penniless and after having spent time as a governess in some brutal households her cousin seeks her out and offers her a roof over her head. It seems as though someone is trying to plot her demise. Maud becomes paranoid, determined she is being followed by the devil, that he is watching her every move.

This was a much more grim book than I expected, and a much more slow one than I expected. At 400 pages long I found it quite a slow read. There wasn't much action, and it really did lose my attention from about 30% but only really got it back at about 90% when the story really started to get tense. Maud was an okay character. In my opinion she wasn't really anything special. She was an addict, and I still don't know some things about her. I wasn't really sure about John either, and their relationship didn't really have much emphasis on it, which is good in some ways, but also we didn't really get much of a sense of their relationship. The characters to be fair, were forgettable, they were flat and could have done with more depth.

The story itself was okay. It was dull at times, and there were some little plot twists here and there, but nothing too shocking.

Overall, it was an okay and decent read. If you are looking for a quick read and a Gothic novel that I do suggest you check this one out.