A review by lori_vols
Every Last Fear by Alex Finlay


Every Last Fear began with heightened interest... the first line reads a gripping, “They found the bodies on a Tuesday.” Fantastic opening line. The book is beautifully worded with flowing prose. The character development is interesting as well. Even side characters (and characters who were dead by the first line on the first page) were beginning to develop. However, the story is diluted by too many points of view. The chapters bounced back and forth from before the murders and present day, and between at least six different character points view. This caused a very slow build with minimal momentum in a thriller mystery that should have been delivering clues at a much faster pace to keep the reader engaged. The book actually seemed to lose momentum in the middle of to last section of the book. I felt the book progressively ran out of steam the further I read. I really struggled through parts of it.