A review by crtsjffrsn
The Ninety-Ninth Bride by Catherine F. King


Dunya is in a bit of a predicament. The fifteen-year-old has been given to the Sultan as a bride by her father. Ninety-eight Sultanas have come before her, all suffering the same fate: execution at dawn. But when a mysterious woman shows up while Dunya is waiting for the Sultan, there's a chance that everything could be different this time around.

I'm all about well-written retellings of popular stories, especially when they're different enough to have a new layer of meaning or a different message. That's exactly what Catherine F. King has done here. There are some great messages in here about family and gender and empowerment and human existence in general. The characters have real dimension to them and I absolutely enjoyed the journey King took me on as a reader. I look forward to reading more of her work.