A review by erin_e
Freaking Out: Real-Life Stories about Anxiety by Polly Wells


Freaking Out is a book of real life stories from young people, all centred around the theme of anxiety. Starting with a short introduction to what anxiety is and how it may present itself, the main part of the book contains thirteen different stories based on real life experiences. Each of the stories is accompanied by illustrations and is set out in an easy to read, simple format.

The last book I read based on the same subject was Anxiety 101 (Dr. Eudene Harry) which looks closely at the scientific side of anxiety so it was interesting to read a completely different perspective on the issue. Freaking Out definitely seems to be aimed more towards the teenage market however would also be suitable for anyone outside of that age range.

Of course the general message of the book is a positive one, focusing on how things changed for the better in these thirteen cases when the teens learnt different ways to manage their anxiety. The overall message to take away from this read is that ‘things will get better’.

*Review copy c/o Netgalley