A review by gillianw
Stumptown Spirits by E.J. Russell



While I thought the premise of this story was quite good, the execution and the editing left a little bit to be desired. The MC’s are likable enough, as are the side characters, but the writing lacked the style and tension needed to make this ghost story truly entertaining.

Logan, the anti-hero with a heart of gold, is looking for the key to rescuing Trent, an old boyfriend who has been inadvertently trapped in a ghost war that plays out every 7 years. After spending years relentlessly chasing dead ends, he meets folklore researcher Riley and realizes that Riley’s expertise might be the answer to his problem. When his attraction to Riley becomes more than the one-night stand he intended, his focus shifts and Logan all but abandons his search to rescue Trent from his ghostly hell, setting up a home with Riley intent on taking their relationship to the next level. But when Riley unknowingly provides Logan with the answer to saving Trent, Logan leaves town without a word, leaving Riley lost, abandoned and with absolutely no idea why Logan has gone. When Riley’s job finds him and Logan in the same city again, he is torn between the desire see Riley again and enlist his help or to send him away and save him from the same fate as Trent.

I really liked Logan and Riley (and Riley’s speech impediment that only becomes obvious when he’s stressed or emotional – adorable!). But the pull-you-closer-push-you-away dance between the two of them was annoying and somewhat cloying. It’s nothing that hasn’t been done in a million romance novels before this and it didn’t really have anything new to say about it. The ghost story itself was interesting and if the author could have dialed up the tension a bit, it might have been a decent little thriller. I did enjoy the side characters and I thought that Riley’s job as a runner/researcher for a paranormal investigation TV show was a nice touch because it allowed for the introduction of Max Stone, the wonderfully insensitive and boneheaded host of the show. That guy needs a spin-off!

All in all, I found this an okay-ish book but I really wish it could have lived up to the promise of it’s premise. Unfortunately, it’s a little slow and didn’t really capture my attention. 2.5 stars rounded up

**I received an advanced copy of this novel in exchange for a fair and honest review**