A review by laurenjodi
All Through the Night by Suzanne Brockmann


All Through the Night
4 Stars

This installment in the Troubleshooters is a collection of snippets focusing on events leading up to the wedding of FBI agent Jules Cassidy and his fianće, actor Robin Chadwick. There is also a secondary romance between Robin's assistant, Dolphina Patel, and journalist Will Shroeder (yes, Will from Flashpoint). Many of the characters from previous books put in an appearance, and as such, the books cannot be read out of order.

All Through the Night is a delightful read as Jules has always been one of my favorite characters in the series, and it is wonderful to see him and Robin so deliriously happy together. Yes, there are some angsty moments as they come to terms with their strengths and their weaknesses, but overall, they are a perfect match.

Dolph and Will's romance has potential. However, it takes a back seat to Jules and Robin, so it is woefully underdeveloped. Moreover, the whole "love at first sight trope" is out of place in this particular series.

All in all, a lovely end to this particular story arc, and I look forward to the next book.