A review by sls0369
Curve Ball by Charlotte Stein

Did not finish book.
As short as this was, I just couldn't get through it.

First, the writing was not great. Sentences like:

You could times his ideal size by seven and still not get where I’m at.


‘Because I’m not exactly known for being contrite?’ he suggests, though the moment he has I know that’s not the case.

The first sentence, while understandable, is just ugly. The second example doesn't even make sense.

The non-stop internal self-deprecating dialog got very old, very fast. Yes, we get it. You're a large woman. We large women often have self-esteem issues. Let's move on. Likewise, you've established that Steven is a big, muscular man, but this makes it sounds like he has fingers the size of Italian sausages:

...his fingers are so massive, and suddenly they’re all over my face.

Really? He brushed your hair back from your face and his fingers were "all over" your face?

That was the last straw for me. I tried to go on, but couldn't.

On the positive side, this is perhaps the longest, most detailed review I've ever written. :/