A review by fableheaven
Armageddon by Craig Alanson


This one is a game changer

This is one hell of a book.
So far, every adventure the Merry Band of Pirates has had to endure was directed towards protecting the Earth secretely. We had a problem (okay, maybe a couple Hundred problems), Joe and Skippy would come up with some far fetched idea and that was that. All the shenanigans would be extremely dangerous, full of tension, but, in the end, prove successful. We'd also get a lot of humor and banter between the pirates and the beer can to defuse those situations and help us transition through the hard times. We don't get that here.
As the title says, this is Armaggedon, not just another wacky adventure. The book isn't lighthearted, it's hard, and puts humanity at a risk it has never been in before. It also puts a lot more pressure onto the pirates, especially Joe. It was a nice change of pace to see a more 'serious' book, it also upped the tension the reader feels and the story advanced a lot in a single book.
We also get more questions, and maybe a few answers on the Elders mystery. I must admit I am theorising like crazy about how it will all turn out and I am sure Alanson is going to blow my mind.
Luckily, book 9 is ready for me to read ASAP, but knowing I have to wait till August for book 10 is making me anxious. This book changed the paradigme under which humanity, and especially the Flying Dutchman operate, I can't wait to see more.