A review by stephaniebookish
Whatever Happened to Interracial Love? by Kathleen Collins


"He does not seem to understand the shape of the world to come. He does not seem to understand that this young colored woman he has spawned does not, herself, believe in color: that to her the young freedom rider of her dreams is colorless (as indeed he is), that their feelings begin where color ends (as indeed they must), that if only he could understand that race as an issue, race as a social factor, race as a political or economic stumbling block--race is part of the past. Can't he see that love is color-free? She is close to tears."

Whatever Happened to Interracial Love by Kathleen Collins is so raw and beautiful and hopeful. Collins hits where it hurts yet she finds beauty in unexpected places. It's amazing to think Collins' essays were written during and about the 1963 Civil Rights movement, yet the topics/ issues she explores transcend decades/ generations. Frankly, this should be eye opening. I highly recommend and suggest this small but powerful read.