A review by the_readingmermaid
Jock Row by Sara Ney

I remember reading my first Ney book and thinking “This chick knows how to write a damn book! I’m gonna stalk her forever now!” Well.... each new book she writes just cements the fact that their is no way she will ever be able to rid herself of me lol.

Scarlett and Sterling are so perfectly written. I want to not only bang Sterling (sorry to my hubby but book boyfriends are H.O.T), but I also want to be Scarlett’s bestie.
The anticipation leading up to all of the sexiest moments killed me, yet brought me excitement all at the same time. It was a wild rollercoaster of sexiness and I want to ride it again and again.
My favorite type of love story is one where they love their best friend. This one was beautiful. Realizing your partner is your best friend is the best kind of love their is and Ney wrote this progression beautifully.
Now I just need the next one in this series... no big deal... but give it to me now before I have to result to sending you a glitter package Ney. Lol, but seriously...