A review by suze_1624
Broken Bonds by Lex Valentine


A very sugary yet at the same time, devastating do-over of Scrooge.
I both read the book and listened to the Audio - and I think in this case I preferred the Audiobook. I usually end up drifting off when listening to books so made sure I was in the car. I liked the narrator and I think without seeing the words, some of the dialogue was just cheesy. Whereas when I read the same dialogue, because I was concentrating on the words rather than the feeling, it made me wince at times.
I enjoyed the theme of the story - big bad Kellan, burned by previous experience is not able to cope with any holiday fun. Havan, the not-twink sub, takes everything to heart so when Kellan takes his collar and tells him to get out, of he goes with no coat or anything.
What I did like was that initially Havan was not the completely docile sub when Kellan came creeping back, he was able to stand up for himself. Kellan was not without his own demons so became the more likable as his story unfolded.
Christmas tale with a bit of a twist, but all comes good at the end.