A review by karyanca
Feared by Hell by Michael Anderle

I've read the first four books of this series, so I can say that it's entertaining enough to keep reading. I really enjoy the main character. The level/type of humour hits the right spot for me.

Having said that, there are issues. The single most important is the portrayal of women (especially in this first book, but to a lesser degree in the rest). Most of the male characters, even if they should be unlikable, are presented in a sympathetic manner. Great! The female characters, not so much. Shay in particular comes across, even when using her own POV, as unpleasant. In fact, she doesn't seem "real" but rather a hostile male view of a strong (and supposedly attractive) woman. Her backstory sounds like weak justification rather than explanation. I could ignore this if it was only one female character, but most of them are either shallow or nasty (see Lt. Maria Hall introduced in book 3).

A lesser issue, or maybe not an issue depending on reading tastes, is the ease at which Brownstone solves his problems. The plot feels like a straight charge from A to B. I like fast pacing, but I also enjoy more layering in the plot and some setbacks. Still, it's a lighter, less stressful read than some other UF series and a good option for switching up after reading something heavier.