A review by mountie9
Honky Tonk Girl: My Life in Lyrics by Loretta Lynn, Elvis Costello


The Good Stuff

Always had a soft spot for Loretta Lynn (Though to be honest I am always shocked that she doesn't look like Sissy Spacek LOL!) , even-though I am not a fan of country music. My parents took me and my cousin when we were like 10 to see Coal Miners Daughter and I have been interested in her ever since.
Charming and self effacing look into the inspiration behind her songs
Unique idea
Pictures are a lovely bonus
Classy foreword by Elvis Costello
Quite funny at times, which I won't lie I was surprised by
Touching and painfully honest - some of the lyrics and the inspiration behind them will move you to tears
Lyrics to Dear Uncle Sam are touching and beautiful and enjoyed the story behind Fist City
The Not So Good Stuff

Would have liked a story about every song
Makes me want to go find a copy of Coal Miners Daughter and I won't lie was singing that damn song out loud every-time I picked up the book and kids looked at me all strange
Stories are often repetitive
Favorite Quotes/Passages

"I put my whole hear and soul and body into my writing. I write about how feel and what I am. I guess I never need to go to a psychiatrist -'cause I get everything out in my lyrics."

"Poor Dolittle couldn't get away with nothin'. If he did anything, I would write a song about it and world would know."

"But I am loyal ... and as long as they do a good job and do right by me, I stay."

Who Should/Shouldn't Read

Perfect for the Loretta Lynn fan obviously
Those who are fans of Country Music will find much to enjoy in it as well
3.5 Dewey's

I received this from Random House in exchange for an honest review