A review by jeaninetaniece
Beyond the Lavender Fields by Arlem Hawks


“I don’t know how I’ll rise tomorrow. When I wake and find you missing from me,” he whispered. ~ Gilles

Gilles, Gilles, Gilles…oh how I love thee, let me count the ways! I have had this on my tbr way too long and I could kick myself for not reading it sooner. I loved this book!

Such an amazing story of two unlikely people finding friendship, while being on different sides of the French revolution. Marie-Caroline is a royalist and Gilles, a Jacobin révolutionairre. Both have strong convictions and beliefs, each concluding that the other is woefully wrong in their loyalty to their respective causes. But as circumstances continue to thrust the two together, respect and admiration.

What a beautiful emotional journey we get to experience between Gilles and Caroline. There is danger, death, and destruction, but, also hope, faith, and love. And love is worth any amount of risk or sacrifice.