A review by nikread84
The Magician King by Lev Grossman


A great sequel. I started watching The Magicians the SyFy TV series when I started this book, and I think if you intend on watching the TV show it’s a good idea to read the first two books in the trilogy first. In the second book, you find out what Julia was doing the whole time that Quentin and his friends were at Brakebills, but the first season combines those storylines and goes back-and-forth between Julia and the Brakebills kids.
The TV show from what I’ve seen has the same general outline of the book, but for example, I believe Josh opened the black hole in the first book and in the TV show Quentin opened the black hole. Anyway...
Generally, The Magicians is a good read for those people that like magical realism - this book just steps further into the magical world, but does have some ‘realism’ time spent in France and Italy.