A review by letterfromafifah
Meet You By Hachiko by Loren Greene


First of all, thank you BookSirens for this review copy! I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Told from two different POVs, the story revolves around the friendship between two friends, Grace and Kana. One is a Canadian and the other one is Japanese. They become friends online via an online forum of a Tokyo street fashion magazine. Due to her fall out with her best friend and Kana’s sudden disappearance, Grace makes a hasty decision to find Kana in Tokyo, unprepared.

In my opinion, what I like about the story is how relatable these two friends are. I can relate to Grace’s awkwardness and struggles and Kana’s exhaustion in studying for her exam. These two have their own set of struggles in different matters but are still able to become friends due to their same interests.

Other aspects that in my opinion become this story’s plus point is its detailed explanation about places in the story. For me, I may not really be able to visualize these places but for readers that have been there especially in Tokyo and surrounding areas, it is easier for them to imagine these places and their environment when reading the story.

For me, this story is painfully slow-paced in the early chapters but improving after Grace's fallout with her best friend. I don't know why but it may be because of the description of the scenes. Plus, the other reason is maybe that this story is not a genre that I usually read, it takes a lot of time for me to warm up with it. In general, this story is quite nice although the pace is slow for me. Plus, I like the friendship theme of the story. I give this story ⅗ stars.