A review by mindfullibrarian
Startup by Doree Shafrir


Startup is an engaging tech-y read that sucked me in and kept me glued to the page. As a geek who reads a lot about startups and the tech world, I really enjoyed the storyline. I especially liked the discussion of women in tech and lack of minority representation - this is all real, and there are numerous reports out showing what an issue it is. All of that led to my 3 stars, but what kept me from adding more is the "now" of it - given the speed at which tech moves, this book will be outdated in less than a year. An example of an excellent book that is tech-y about social media, etc, is [b:The Circle|18302455|The Circle|Dave Eggers|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1376419833s/18302455.jpg|25791820] by Dave Eggers - by NOT naming company/app names, you can keep a book relevant for much longer. I liked the "older"-in-tech view from Sabrina, which was reminiscent of the movie "The Intern" (which I loved) and is also something I have seen elsewhere. As a 36-year-old mom, I also could relate to Sabrina's storyline more than anyone else's in the book.

I appreciate that Safrir is writing from a place she knows dearly, and do not question the authenticity of her experiences - I just wish she could have made the story more timeless. And writing about this story online is actually making me feel incredibly meta ;-)

I received a digital ARC of this title for review - all opinions are my own.