A review by alongreader
Rated by Melissa Grey


3.5 rounded up

I thought this would be a full on dystopian, with cameras and watchful guards everywhere and people trying desperately to earn more points. Maybe a black market, or a scheme where friends mark each other up as often as they can get away with. Instead, it's basically a teen heist with occasional worries about The Numbers. It's definitely not bad, it just took me a little while to readjust my expectations.

The story is told in rotating POVs. It took me a little while to remember who everyone was, but that's always been an issue with me. It took even longer for any of the storylines to cross, and I felt that most of the story was lead up to a rushed end. But I did enjoy it very much and I hope that Melissa isn't planning to leave it there. I'd like to find out what happens next.

Receiving an ARC did not affect my review in any way.

And that was how Chase Donovan, star pitcher of the Maplethorpe Academy baseball team, regional champions for seven years running, found himself standing before the future valedictorian of his senior class, Bex Johnson.

They stared at each other for a frozen moment, the three feet between them feeling miles wide. He’d never spoken to her before, despite the fact that they’d been in school together for years. It wasn’t that he didn’t like Bex. It’s just that he had nothing in common with her. She was everything he wasn’t. Academically gifted. Multitalented. Well-rounded. A girl like Bex didn’t bother with guys like him.

And if he was honest, guys like him didn’t often bother with girls like her. They were too smart. Too unpredictable. Most of the guys on the team didn’t like it when girls were better than them at things, and Bex was good at pretty much everything.

Chase did one thing extremely well. And if he wasn’t allowed to do that one thing anymore, he had nothing else to fall back on.