A review by shellbellbell
Revenant Gun by Yoon Ha Lee


4 stars instead of the 5 stars that I gave to the previous books in this series because it was just a bit...slower. A lot more time was dedicated to political intrigue and character musings than the previous books. Which is not a bad thing, I like that stuff! But the previous books felt more balanced in terms of including action, intrigue, twists, and plot movement. There's just not a ton that happens in this book and I'm still kinda confused about one thing that happened at the end that I can't mention because spoilers. That said it was still a fun read and an enjoyable conclusion to this awesome series. I loved the introduction of Hemiola, it reminded me of Murderbot but less snarky.

Representation notes: Women everywhere, including in positions of power. At least two main characters are explicitly queer and/or poly. Poly/queer family structures are the norm. One main character is a trans man. Two prominent side characters are non-binary and use they pronouns. Many PoC, including a main character of Asian descent and a prominent side character who is black.

Trigger warnings: Non-explicit depiction of rape of a male character; suicidal ideation and suicide.