A review by wjlongiii
Hostile Contact by Nick Snape, Nick Snape


What a difference a day makes. In summing up the impression I was left after reading this pulse-pounding military sci-fi romp, the old idiom comes to mind. When a routine reservist training exercise meets with desperate aliens seeking a means to save their race, confusion and violence ensue. Nick Snape begins his Weapons of Choice series at nearly a full sprint, only to pour on more speed as he goes. We, the readers, are in the thick of it from the very beginning, learning about our characters and adversary on the fly as we moved from engagement to engagement throughout a Scottish forest, occasionally stopping by Washington to get a bird's eye view of the whole situation.

Pacing is the blade upon which this adventure is balanced. We get very broad strokes on characters as we are moving so quickly. They are in the dirt, scrambling to survive, and as such, there isn't much downtime to be had with them. In fairness, this is the first in a seven-book saga, and there are severe hints that quiet moments are coming. At no point was I left mistrusting the author's intent or skill to bring forward his characters in deep and meaningful ways as the story continues.

Make no mistake, this novel is the initial hook, and considering that, it is sharpest when it leans into the science fiction of it all. In the opinion of this reviewer, it is the nature of the aliens, the tech involved, and the motivation of their one-way run to our planet that presents the largest mystery and spurred me forward. While the modern military tactics, action, and politics are well done, give me more of the vivid imaginings present in those moments.

In the end, this is a stellar start to what I anticipate to be a wild ride through an enthralling new universe. 4.5/5