A review by schomj
Sworn in Steel by Douglas Hulick


What I liked:
* it's not a battle of good versus evil, it's Drothe versus the world, and I'm glad the author recognizes that those concepts are not the same
* while Drothe is the protagonist, he's also a pawn for other, more powerful characters. It's fun to watch a main character figure his way out of dilemmas through guile and having friends, and even by accident, rather than being saved by conveniently-appearing superpowers or being some sort of chosen one. (I liked that from the first book too, and glad it's continuing)
* while moral ambiguity is the name of the game, and the tone is dark at times, the writing is also light enough that I ended the book delighted rather than depressed. I actually laughed out loud when I found out the Order's plans for Drothe at the end of the book, even though it totally screws up Drothe's plans for himself.
* a multicultural cast of characters, with female characters who are actual characters with their own agendas and skills that are completely unrelated to getting into Drother's pants -- and no expectation that Drothe has any right to get into theirs just because he's the book's hero (seriously, this new era of fantasy is such an improvement in that aspect)

What I didn't:
There wasn't anything that really bothered me, so these are pretty minor points --
* It is kind of formulaic. But, I like the fantasy-caper formula, especially the kind with lots of twisty reveals, so I'm actually ok with that. May not be for everybody though.
* I really hope we don't have to wait another 3 years for the next volume. (I'm sure the author has work and family obligations, so I get it, but... I want to read the next book now!)