A review by greenvillemelissa
The Dark Missions of Edgar Brim by Shane Peacock


Book #29 Read in 2016
The Dark Missions of Edgar Brim by Shane Peacock

This book is the first book in a YA horror series. Edgar Brim truly becomes part of the stories that he reads and the monsters in the horror stories, such as Grendel, Dracula and Frankenstein's Monster, become real threats to him and his safety. Brim teams up with one of his college professors, Lear, who has the same talent to see these creatures and they try to kill off the monsters before others are killed. This book had a nice gothic feel to its writing and was well-written. I will continue the series. This book would be a good read for strong middle school readers, high school readers and adults. I received a copy of this book from Amazon Vine in exchange for a honest review.