A review by quillshott
Neon Lit: Paul Auster's City of Glass by Paul Karasik, Paul Auster, Bob Callahan, David Mazzucchelli


When I saw Scott McCloud give the keynote address a few years ago at the Toronto Comic Arts Festival, he called City of Glass the "most teachable comic" he's ever come across. While I didn't attempt to read this book as a student might, I couldn't help but have that thought linger in the back of my mind as I read. Karasik and Mazzucchelli's adaptation of Paul Auster's original novel does things with the medium of comics that I've never (or at least rarely) come across. They truly do take every tool available in the toolbox and use them in ways never thought possible. It makes for a very engrossing, thought-provoking and engaging read.