A review by webbsusa
A Wicked Bargain for the Duke by Megan Frampton


I loved this book. It was exactly what I needed right now—something light and fun, but still emotionally satisfying. I adored Lavinia; she’s smart, she’s funny, and she’s forthright. I knew Thaddeus from the previous books and was happy to see him loosen up a little. My favorite thing about this book is that the couple *actually talked to each other about their problems.* When Lavinia wasn’t sexually satisfied, she initiated a conversation about that fact, and together they discussed how to fix the problem. This is unusual in historical romance, but it shouldn’t be!

I was not a fan of the previous book in the series, but this one brought me back around. Now I’m really hoping Jane’s story will be next!

Thanks to the publisher for providing an eARC via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.