A review by natalie_is_reading
Carry On by Rainbow Rowell


When I first read this book in middle school, I remember finishing the last page, looking up for a moment, thinking(I was at an indoor soccer at my brother’s practice) then I immediately flipped back to the beginning and started again, reading it in a whole different way. I’d never done that before, and I never have again. This is what I say when people ask what my favorite book is, and having read it again for maybe the fourth time, I’ll stick with it. It’s not the best book in the world, and it is just Harry Potter with a twist, but for me, it has and will always be special. Which is why I’m absolutely terrified to read the next two books. The sequel has been sitting on my shelf for years and I’m finally going to read it, and the third that’s come out in the meantime. This book is perfect on its own, and I just don’t know what’s going to happen, but I have to have trust. Fingers crossed