A review by ameserole
Shielded by KayLynn Flanders


I have received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

HOLY COW GUYS! I can't even comprehend what I just read. Wow, oh wow. Loved this book from start to finished and now I need to somehow cope with not being able to dive into the second book right now.

Seriously guys, Shielded was so freaking good. My love for Enzo and Jen will forever grow. I will admit the beginning was a little slow for me but after the first chapter, I was hooked. You couldn't pay me to put the book down because I just wanted to know how everything was going to go down.

So, a lot actually happened in this book. A lot more than I thought but it was still a really good book. I, of course, couldn't trust a lot of characters because some were acting so weird during random moments. Like why are you acting like this right now?? Ugh! It drove me nuts.. but then the ending made so much sense. My brain was like, "WOW ALAINA! JUST WOW!".

The characters, story building, action, and betrayal were all delicious. Heck, even the romance was likable. Wish I got more but I'm hoping I will be happy as a damn clam in the next book. Other than that, I'm trying really freaking hard not spoiling anything about this book. Just know that I loved it and I hope you all do to.

I seriously need the next book!